Fl studio mixer channel
Fl studio mixer channel

fl studio mixer channel fl studio mixer channel

I can bring the mix down so we hear less of the chorusing and more of the clean signal. This is based off of a very famous hardware synthesizer, the Roland Juno 106. On Slot 2 here, I'm going to load in this vintage chorus. I also want to add a chorus effect on this. I'll go for a different preset for this one. Let's put some reverb on the electric piano as well. I'll increase the wet so we hear more of the reverb and the dry is the signal without the reverb. We have some presets here that we can choose.

fl studio mixer channel

I've selected this mixer insert and now in Slot 1 over here, I'm going to load in a reverb. Now we can also add effects to individual parts so let's say I would like a reverb on this clap over here. To mute individual tracks, we can just click on the buttons here to turn them off. To un-solo it Command on a Mac or Control on a PC and click again. For example if I hold down the Command on a Mac or Control on a PC and click on this button here, I've now soloed the hi-hat track so now we only hear the high hat. Sometimes you may want to isolate an individual part to listen to it more carefully. Like that we have adjusted levels and panning for individual elements. I'll make the effects track a little quieter. Shaker is a little loud, I'll make it a bit quieter. I'm going to pan the hi-hat a bit to the left. I'm going to adjust the levels for the individual tracks. But these are tiny so let's use the ones we have here. Now the channel rack does have a very simple level control as well as spanning control for individual channels. This is the base and let's just call this effects. Here we have the keys, the electric piano I just labeled it EP. The base, let's assign this to Number 7 and the riser sample, let's assign it to eight here. FL key currently is unassigned so let me go ahead and assign it to Number 6 here. The first five channels have been assigned to the first five inserts on the mixer, but the other three are unassigned. These numbers refer to the target mixer track. Now if I open up the channel rack, we're looking at the audio section here in the channel rack, I'll switch to all. On the mixer, we have these individual inserts and by default, some of the drums already routed to the individual insets and the other sounds, we will have to route them manually. Now let's open up the mixer section and see how we can further tweak this arrangement. In this lesson, we're going to take a look at some of the basics of using the mixer. In FL Studio's mixer you have to manually route things into individual channels on the mixer. You have arranged those patterns in the playlist, but we haven't taken a look at the mixer yet. You have some sounds in the channel rack.

Fl studio mixer channel